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#TEAM #MEMBER Wayne Reeve is really starting to rack up the captures now over on his syndicate water Layfield's and you can't blame him for looking happy with these two! The biggest being 29lb+! Again Wayne putting the new test bait #SPICED #NUT through it's paces and really showing what this bait can do! Keep at it mate 😉 #LETTHEBAITDOTHETALKING

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Either big or small there are some fish that we all remember and you hope you will bump into again somewhere down the road  ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ #CHUNK #ALERT ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ Well how's this for a proper old character! Richard Bone took this chunk of a mirror slamming the scales down to 37.12lb when he tackled one of his local waters. Again it's mixing that fishy/fruity/creamy mix that done it again as so many times over the years before .....#SQUILBERRY & #MILK #ONE! Well dangled bud.....that's a proper one 😉 #LETTHEBAITDOTHETALKING

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Craig Kent has been on another hauling session over at Coston Day Ticket Lake! His most recent trip earlier this week saw him take another 6 fish topped by a 25lb+ common, not too bad at all when you look back a week or so ago when he also nailed 10 fish fom the same venue! Again the #STENCH doing what it does best down there 😉 Well dangled bud #LETTHEBAITDOTHETALKING

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It doesn't matter whether your lake is a bubbling hive of activity or slower than a snail on a stag night ...... Right Bait, Right Place, Right Presentation and fish will come. #TEAM #MEMBER Dean Addison took this clunky 20+ mirror on his latest session over on his syndicate water The lake had been fishing somewhat slower in recent times but that didn't stop the #SPICED #NUT from showing it's worth yet again! Well dangled bud #spiceupyalife #itscoming #LETTHEBAITDOTHETALKING

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Now you either love them or hate them, no not estate agents, Catfish. Jonathan Vaughan contacted us a few day's ago about his stint up at Swangey and whilst by his own admission the Cats weren't big, he still had a great deal of sport on #TheStench. The biggest was 13lbs with 2 more in the 11lb bracket. He also lost 3, one of which was alot bigger than some of the previous ones. "One Great Bait" where his closing words, we agree Jonathan, well done mate

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