That's How you Hewitt

#PROMO #TEAM #MEMBER Stewart D Hewitt got out over the bank holiday break and got himself a right pearler!

Here's what Stewy had to tell us....

Back from a slow 72 hours at the lake. After spending 24 hours in one swim with no real signs of life I decided a move was on the cards. After a quick lap of the lake, I spotted a couple of fish cruising in a small snaggy bay that was sheltered from the wind, so I grabbed my kit and the move was on! I immediately found two likely spots tight to the overhanging trees on the far margin. The next 24 hours passed by without event and I was beginning to think that another move may be called for but decided to sit tight as the sun was out and I was sure the carp would make an appearance at some point! So I re-baited the spots and sat tight! About an hour later the left-hand rod looped round.... fish on! After a tense few minutes, the fish was in the net! A chunky little common at 20,10 caught as always using Lee Moore's #bigfishbaits. This time a pink #squillberry pop-up fish on a Ronnie rig over a bed of #stench and #milkone doing the business! Get on the #bigfishbaits

You just keep doing it mate! 😉