#MilkOne and #Squilberry, #MilkOne and #Stench, everyone has a little combo that they feel gives them the edge on their water of choice. And thats how it should be, if your at your local water you want to be fishing with confidence and not spending the day um-ing and ar-ring about having the right bait in the water. Now dont get us wrong, we have alway's maintained that fish will come if the fish are playing ball, thats about the only thing as anglers we have no control over, well that and the weather. Anyway here are Liam and Ian who have total confidence with the bait and how they fish it.
Ian Mcdermott and Liam Crowe went away for bit of a social and got themselves amongst a few fish 😉. Again for Ian he was out using a good mix of #MILK #ONE and #SQUILBERRY as in his own words "he has absolute and total faith in them".
Well dangled lads