A Quick Round-Up of January 2018

So how did January go ?

Well collectively we caught 19 Commons and 17 Mirrors, the biggest of which was 35lb caught by Darren Hammond on the 10th with a #MilkOne and #SpicedNut Mix.

We also saw 4 twenty's get brought over the net cord the largest going to Lee Moore at 22.5, just nipping at the heels of Matt Witte with his 22, which was posted today.

17 fish caught last year for the month of Jan and an outstanding 36 for Jan 2018.
As things start to warm up we can only expect bigger and better things, all captures are received and welcomed from all who use the baits with our thanks and gratitude.
So keep them coming.
And you can see all the captures in our running album for 2018 which will take us right through to the end of the year.


NB: We do have another 2 captures outstanding which will go into our Feb report although it was caught in Jan, so in fact the total is officially 38