A Quick Round-Up for July 2018

Hello Everyone ...... It's that time again ...... and yes a little early, but while I have the time to crank out this report I may as well get it done now.

So ......how was July with a few days still to go ? ... Well we still have a few fish waiting in the wings and anything thing else Lee might have up his sleeve, so when all is said and done there have been 142 captures this month, with the chance of a few others I don't know about.
Last year that total was 107, so again we have seen a increase in catch rate, although we were down on last month and frankly given the weather I'm not surprised. And that's not because baits aren't performing during this hot spell, it's mainly because people aren't going out in it. Case and point, my last trip to Birds Green saw me on my own, with the whole lake to myself ....all day, now that's a first.

As you may or may not know we have also passed a pre-set target of 776 captures minus any French Captures by the end of the year. Well that is well and truly going to be beat and I think we will even go onto beat last years total, but all that is a way off yet.
So lets look at what has been caught for this month on our weight break down.

In our Mid Double Range there have been 85 fish caught this month to 19lbs 14oz and that was caught by Nathan Carper John which we posted back on the 12th of July.

In the 20lb Weight Range we have logged 31 this month with fish up to 28lb.8 caught by or very own April Chiverton, Micky Mann had a Mirror at 27lbs that was posted on the 24th and we also had a French Capture at 29lbs from Charlie Wilson
While we are in French mode we had a great report from Gary Mackney who had 7, 20+fish, 7, 30+plus fish, a 14 and a 19 and lets not forget the 40lb.2

That little run alone brought our 30's total for this month to 12 ..... the 1, 40 and we even had a 50, which was also from Charlie Wilson and happened to be a NEW Lake Record at 53lbs
That brings the total for the month to 130 with 12 fish waiting to go up making 142. That figure will undoubtedly change, so I will update that in next months Round Up ....... awesome.

Now what about the baits ? ..... Well this month the #CorkDust #PopUpshave accounted for 31 captures, either as a pop-up or as a surface bait, thanks to it's buoyancy and its attraction property's. It's also been used with our #BaitOils to cause an extra slick of attraction while surface fishing.
A #Stench and #SpicedNut COMBO has also accounted for 31 captures, a favourable combo this month without doubt.
The #TestBait made 30 Captures, 16 alongside #Stench, 5 with a #MilkOneand #SpicedNut Mix and 9 fished on it's own.
Again these figures reflect how these baits get used by individual anglers and these numbers can vary from month to month as our Customers and Team Members stick with a bait their happy with or some like to try something different. Last month it was a lot of MilkOne and SpicedNut, so tastes do change.
ROLL- CALL .....A mention to all who made July a great one ......First Up ..... Our Fishing Friends .....
Joseph Harrison, Toby Deus Smith, Levy Moon, Duncan Webster, Ricky White, Paul Parden, Mark Spenton, Mark Barnett, David Hurman, Jayden Seaman, Nathan Carper John, Jay Harris, Karl Last, Duane Porter, Charlie Wilson, Simon Cunningham, John Conlin, Paul Leaper, Dave Dickson, 
Micky Mann, Ryan Gray, Gary Mackney and Paul Smith.

Team #BigFishBaits, Cliff Fiske, April Chiverton, Wayne Reeve, Billy Fisher, Paul A Brown, Garrie Lee Fowler, Chris Clare, Stuart Petty, Matthew Roberts, Mitch Cooke, Dave Wolstenholme, Dean Addison and last but by no means least Lee Moore.

Thank you one and all for making July another fantastic month. 