A first time for everything

A first time for everything

Joe James Saliba finally gave me the call last night that we've been waiting for for a few weeks now, we all knew "Lucky" was gonna be big but no one knew for sure as with no known captures for just over a year it really was a waiting game!
That was until she finally made the mistake of picking up Joe's #SQUILBERRY #SNOWMAN over a mix of matching bottom baits and #MILK #ONE! to put it bluntly, she's gone on to reach a massive weight and is looking really good for it!
The scales as you can see from the video attached recorded a weight of 45lb+!!! Now that's a #CHUNK and the first 40+ UK fish on our baits!
Joe didn't stop there though as he went on to land other fish of 14.8, 21, both Mirrors and a 19lb common
I did personally drive down to Coston to personally congratulate Joe at around 10.30 as this was indeed a very special moment for not just him but us too
Very well dangled Joe!